Top 10 Python Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2024
Python Development

Top 10 Python Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2024

For the past few years, we have all heard about one programming language booming in the coding world: Python. The language is even popular among those unfamiliar with the coding world. Though the programming language was first introduced in 1991 by Guido Van Russom, it is gaining surplus popularity and has no sign of slowing down.

The PYPL report shows that Python demand has been increasing for the past 5 years by 2.6%, making it the most popular programming language worldwide. About 66% of the developers enjoy working with the language due to its rich-featured Python tools. 

So, stay tuned with us; we’ll discuss more about Python, its role in software development, the top 10 Python tools, and why businesses are going for Python development services for their projects.

Role of Python Tools in Software Development

Python tools play a crucial role in software development by providing developers with a wide range of libraries, frameworks, and utilities that streamline various aspects of the development process. These tools contribute to increased productivity, code quality, and efficiency by offering capabilities such as:

  • Libraries for Rapid Development: Python's extensive standard library and third-party libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib enable rapid development of software applications, particularly in fields like data analysis, machine learning, and web development.
  • Frameworks for Web Development: Frameworks such as Django and Flask simplify web development tasks, providing built-in functionalities for handling routing, authentication, and database interactions, thus reducing development time and effort.
  • Testing and Debugging Tools: Python offers a range of testing frameworks like pytest and unit test, along with debugging tools such as pdb and PyCharm's debugger, which help ensure code reliability and facilitate troubleshooting.
  • Package Management: Tools like pip and virtualenv simplify package installation and management, allowing developers to install, upgrade, and distribute Python packages and dependencies efficiently.
  • IDEs and Text Editors: Python gets support from various integrated development environments (IDEs) like PyCharm Visual Studio Code and editors like Sublime Text and Atom, which offer syntax highlighting code completion and debugging tools to enhance developer productivity.
  • Automation and Scripting: Python's simplicity and versatility make it ideal for automation tasks and scripting, enabling developers to automate repetitive tasks, manage workflows, and create system administration scripts.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: Python's cross-platform compatibility allows developers to write code that runs seamlessly across different operating systems, increasing the portability and accessibility of software applications.

Benefits of Python Tools

  • Python is easy to learn

One of the biggest problems for people who want to learn how to code is that computer languages are very different from other languages. They have their own rules, spelling, grammatical structures, and so on, and you often have to learn a whole new vocabulary.

Python is different, though. Python is more like everyday English for reading and writing than any other computer language. It has simpler grammar and focuses on everyday language, making learning more accessible for newbies. Python is also often the first language that new developers choose because it is free to use and has a vast ecosystem of tools and packages that support it. These and other reasons help show that Python is the best choice for people who don't know how to code.

  • Python has an active, supportive community

There is no such thing as an island for programmers; they need essential data and help to find answers when they run into problems they didn't expect. Python has been around for over 30 years, long enough for a strong group of users to form around it. There are developers of all skill levels in the Python community, and it's easy to get to literature, tips, lessons, and more.

At the same time, a lot is going on in the Python community. When developers need help and run out of time, they can ask the community for quick answers.

  • Python is flexible

A general-purpose computer language is another name for Python. This means that Python can be used to make almost any kind of app in any business or field, unlike domain-specific languages that are made for specific types of apps.

Why would you use Python? Python has been beneficial in several fields, including computer development, data analytics, machine learning, data science, data engineering, and even AI and machine learning. Python is used by Facebook, Google, Netflix, Instagram, and many other big businesses and software companies. Python can do almost any writing because it uses many tools and packages.

  • Python offers versatile web development solutions

Python is a good choice for many development projects, but its usefulness in web development stands out. Python developers can quickly and easily get their web apps up and running using open-source tools.

However, while languages like Java or.NET might offer better performance, Python's speed and developer experience make it the clear choice for people who need a quick answer they can count on. On the other hand, Python's wide range of tools makes it possible to add different types of applications to websites in a way that no other language can.

  • Python is well suited to data science and analytics

Python is a good choice for beginners for many of the same reasons that make it a good choice for data science and data analysis. Python is an essential tool for people who work with machine learning, cloud computing, and big data because it is easy to use, has a lot of support, and can be changed to fit different needs.

Python is great for gathering and studying large amounts of data. Python is second only to R regarding how often it is used for data science and analytics projects. Python is still famous for data-science programming because it can analyze data immediately and has a growing community of data-focused tools.

  • Python is efficient, fast, and reliable

A developer with a different computer language might ask, "Why is Python so slow?" Yes, Python runs slightly slower than languages like Java, C#, Go, JavaScript, and C++. However, creation time is much more important nowadays than machine run time. And Python can't be beat when it comes to time to market.

In the same way, Python is quick and reliable, which lets developers make powerful apps with little work. It's easy and takes little time to finish code projects, and the apps can compete with those made in more complex languages. 

Top 10 Python Tools 

1. PyCharm IDE

PyCharm IDE
JetBrains made PyCharm, a combination tool that works as an IDE for Python. It's often used to create Python applications. Some of the biggest companies, like Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Pinterest, use PyCharm as their Python IDE! Versions v2.x and v3.x can be used with it.

Python can be used on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS. It also comes with tools and packages, making it easier and faster for coders to use Python to create software. Another thing is that it can be changed to fit coders' needs.


  • Robust code editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, and error highlighting.
  • Integrated version control system support (Git, SVN, Mercurial).
  • Powerful refactoring tools for code restructuring and optimization.
  • Seamless integration with popular Python frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid.
  • Built-in support for virtual environments and package management.

2. Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks
Using code, text, links, and pictures, Jupyter notebooks are great for "showing the work" your data team has done. You can run them cell by cell to better understand what the code does.

Through the web interface, Jupyter notebooks can also be changed to several common output forms, such as HTML, Powerpoint, LaTeX, PDF, ReStructuredText, Markdown, and Python. It's easy for data scientists to share their work with other people because of this.


  • Interactive computing environment for building and sharing documents containing live code, visualizations, equations, and narrative text.
  • Rich output formats, including HTML, PDF, Markdown, and LaTeX.
  • Integration with data visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly for creating interactive charts and graphs.
  • Easy collaboration and sharing through JupyterHub or cloud-based platforms like Google Colab and Microsoft Azure Notebooks.

3. Keras

Google made Keras, a high-level deep-learning API for building neural networks. It is built in Python and makes it easy to set up neural networks. It also allows more than one neural network calculation on the back end.

Keras is simple to learn and use because it has a Python frontend with a high level of abstraction and two or more backends that can be used for computation. Keras is slower than other deep learning systems because of this, but it is effortless for beginners.


  • Simplified interface for building and training deep learning models with minimal code.
  • Supports convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and variants.
  • A flexible architecture allows for easy experimentation and prototyping.
  • Extensive documentation and community support.
  • Seamless integration with other deep learning frameworks.

4. Pip Package

Pip Package
Pip is a Python tool every programmer should have because it lets you add any Python package you want to your programming.

This innovative tool will download and install the package for you; you only have to type pip and then the package name. It needs to be connected to the Internet. To ensure it always works right, you must always keep it updated.


  • Standard package manager for installing and managing Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI).
  • Provides a simple command-line interface for package installation, removal, and dependency resolution.
  • Supports version management, allowing for installing specific package versions or specifying version ranges.
  • Enables the creation and distribution of Python packages through PyPI.
  • Integrates with virtual environments to isolate project dependencies.

5. Vim

More features have been added to the UNIX editor Vi, similar to Vim. You can easily make it your own since there are many options available. If you learn how to use this editor well, Vim is an excellent tool for developing Python. You will need time to get used to it if you are new to it.

Vim's best features include being able to separate reading and writing of a file, working with many different tools, having advanced editing commands, grammar highlighting, graphics versions, and much more.


  • Highly configurable text editor optimized for efficient text editing.
  • Modal editing with distinct modes for inserting text, navigation, and command execution.
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for adding functionality and customizing the editor.
  • Built-in support for syntax highlighting, code folding, and text manipulation.
  • Lightweight and fast, suitable for both small scripts and large codebases.

6. Selenium

Selenium is a framework or tool for checking a web app, like WordPress, in several browsers. Python, like many other programming languages, can be used to make simple scripts or tests that run themselves.

This tool became very popular for many reasons, such as the fact that it worked with many programming languages, like C#, Java, Ruby, and others; it also worked on many platforms, like Linux, Mac, and Windows; and it worked with many browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


  • Portable framework for automating web browsers.
  • Cross-browser compatibility for testing web applications on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers.
  • Integration with testing frameworks like pytest and unit test for writing robust test suites.
  • Remote WebDriver support for running tests on remote machines or cloud-based testing services.

7. Sublime Text

Sublime Text
Like PyCharm and Jupyter Notebook, Sublime is a light text editor that can write clean and nice Python code. However, it is much faster and can work with more languages than just Python.

You can add small " plugins " software to this code editor to make it more useful. Plugins can add features like autocomplete and more.


  • Lightweight yet powerful text editor with a minimalist user interface.
  • Extensive customization options through plugins and themes.
  • Supports syntax highlighting and code snippets for various programming languages.
  • Command palette for quick access to editor commands and settings.
  • Distraction-free mode for focusing on writing code without clutter.

8. Sphinx


Sphinx is the best tool for making documentation for your programs. It asks you for your name, what your code does, the name of the code, when it was released, and other things. You can run it in the terminal or cmd on Windows.

Then, it will make many different files for you, like an HTML file you can put on your website as a web page or a PDF file you can include with your open-source code, among other valid formats.


  • Documentation generation tool for Python projects.
  • Supports multiple output formats, including HTML, PDF, ePub, and plain text.
  • Cross-referencing and linking between different sections of documentation.
  • Integration with source code to automatically generate API documentation from docstrings.
  • Theming supports customizing the appearance of generated documentation.

9. Scikit-Learn

It is an open-source library for machine learning. It is built on top of many other libraries, such as matplotlib for visualizing data, numPy for math calculations, and scipy for scientific computing, which makes Scikit-Learn much more powerful.

If you know some Python and want to learn more about data science or machine learning, Scikit-learn is a simple but valuable tool that you can use. This tool has built-in packages that let you run machine-learning algorithms on your data. These algorithms include classification and linear regression.

Also, you don't have to search the web for and download data to run your data science or analysis libraries. You can use the data they give you right away.

It's an excellent tool for data scientists and machine learning engineers for various data analysis and machine learning tasks, such as clustering, classification, regression, and more. This is a Python library that every Python developer should have on hand.


  • Consistent and easy-to-use API with well-documented parameters and conventions.
  • Integration with other Python libraries like Pandas and TensorFlow for seamless data preprocessing and model evaluation.
  • Support for model selection and hyperparameter tuning through cross-validation and grid search.
  • Active development and community support make it popular for machine learning tasks.

10. Thonny

Thonny is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python that is easy for newbies to start. Thonny has a simple built-in debugger, a variable viewer, a built-in Python shell (Python 3.7), an editor showing grammar mistakes, and a tool that automatically completes code. It's also easy to add third-party tools, thanks to its simple and clean pip GUI.

Other good things about Thonny IDE are that it evaluates expressions, shows function calls in a different window, and highlights grammar mistakes. Also, it can look at code to provide bracket matches. 


  • Beginner-friendly integrated development environment (IDE) for Python.
  • Simple and clean interface with helpful features for learning programming.
  • A built-in debugger with step-through execution and variable inspection.
  • Syntax highlighting and code completion to assist with writing code.
  • Support for installing and managing Python packages via a graphical interface.


Final Words

Python continues to evolve, offering developers extensive, powerful tools to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. From advanced IDEs to robust libraries and frameworks, the Top 10 Python Tools outlined above in this blog represent a curated selection that every developer should consider integrating into their toolkit in 2024.

Ready to leverage the full potential of Python for your next project? Partner with eComstreet, a premier Python development company in Chicago, IL, USA, where our team of experts combines years of experience with a deep understanding of Python development.

Let us guide you through harnessing these top tools and crafting innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to unlock the power of Python and take your projects to new heights.



Suranjana Patar

She specializes in translating technical jargon into accessible language, she possesses a knack for crafting manuals, guides, and documentation that resonate with diverse audiences. With more than 4 years of experience in Technical Content Writing, she excels at distilling intricate information into reader-friendly content, ensuring every piece is informative and user-centric.

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