Top 10 Security Features of BI Tools

business intelligence


It is safe to say that Data is the backbone of every business because it helps you make your future strategies for business success. But maintaining these data might seem like a difficult endeavor. In the present information-rich environment, bi ( business intelligence ) tools are crucial for thriving since it helps decision makers in gaining access to the data they need to swiftly adjust to changing circumstances and spot new possibilities. OLAP, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics are just a few of the specialized tasks that Business Intelligence Tools may accomplish. These are innovative solutions. It processes and examines massive amounts of corporate data to generate insightful conclusions and aid in understanding the state of your company.

You must be wondering if it is safe to use Business Intelligence tools to process these billions of users of data and information. Well, in this blog we are going to talk about the same and how these data can help us. Also, let’s find out how we can utilize the security features of business intelligence.

Security Features of Business Intelligence

Multiple Sources of Authentication


Modern BI software offers a variety of configurable alternatives for Authentication.

This enables administrators to make the most of the existing authentication techniques and establish unique authentication procedures for various internal systems.


Application-Level Security


With this, you may manage user roles or individual user access to BI applications.

Depending on the user’s business needs, it gives several menu options and acts as an efficient filter.

As a result, access to business apps that they do not need may not be available to all workers, strengthening internal security measures.

Row Level/Multi-Tenant Security


In essence, this lets you monitor and manage data access at the row level inside a single application.

As a result, different users will view different data that is relevant to their jobs and have access to data at various levels.


One-time session authentication


Single sign-on is a straightforward and user-friendly approach.

It makes sure users only need to enter their name and password once, removing the requirement for users to input their passwords again while switching between applications within a single session.

This function significantly boosts productivity and lowers support inquiries for “wrong/forgotten password.”

Application Activity Auditing

business intelligence

After each session, operators can record end-user activity using a solid business intelligence tool.

This ensures that the IT division can monitor user login times, the programs they utilize, and the length of each session.



Multi-factor Authentication


The most basic thing and yet most important thing about BI is that it is only accessed by the users with access, and as an Admin, you can easily add and revoke the access of some users. while adding or removing users you must prove your identity using your password and one-time password or in another way. It ensures that only the person with access can use the BI tools.

Although Business intelligence is a secure and reliable tool sometimes, we can risk our privacy by reviling some important things accidentally, in that case, we must take precautions and keep using the Bi tools.

Data masking

business intelligence

With data masking, sensitive data can be removed or hidden before it enters the BI system.

Regulate the handling and access to sensitive information, and set up pre-defined data rules.

To increase your data protection, you may employ a variety of techniques.



Data encryption

business intelligence offers field-level encryption using AWS Key Management Service and has SSL/TLS encryption in place as well.

When utilizing BI technologies, maintain the privacy of your data.


AWS security

bi security

Because the platform’s systems are hosted on AWS, they benefit from the cloud provider’s strong firewalls and other security features, which provide enterprise-grade protection.





limited access to the operating system

BI security

Only employees of are permitted access to the operating system, and they log in using a username and key authentication.




Compliant with many regulations

BI security

If you operate in an industry or region with strict data regulations, you need a system that keeps you in compliance. is certified for SOC 2, HIPAA, CCPA, and GDPR.






BI is secure, but not always. But while configuring, a beginner can make some mistakes. So we highly recommend contacting a BI expert who will guide you through the process, Cases, and how to secure your BI tools while using them. They are good with their work and have a huge team of experts who will help you make decisions. Thinking of connecting or contacting some expert BI in tools or consulting agency then you can contact EcomStreet. We have over a decade of experience in the industry.



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